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Thursday, March 13, 2014

Spring is in the air

Shalom Mishpachah (family),
Spring is in the air here in Southern Calif.  In fact winter really never showed her face at all.  You might be asking yourself  "what does this have to do with spiritual things".  A lot!  Of course I'm talking about the spring festivals.

Pesach (Passover), Feast of Unleavened  Bread, and First Fruits are coming at us full speed ahead!  Even if you're not ready, now is the time to get ready.  Let me share with you why it's so important that you and I as Messianic believers celebrate each and every one of God's Moedim (the appointed times).

First and foremost, it is obedience to God. The Lord told us, that if we love him, we will keep his Commandments.  I know that each one of you wants to show and demonstrate your love through your obedience, so let's help one another one in this endeavor.  We can do this by encouraging one another, and finding practical ways of helping one another to be faithful to these appointed times.

Secondly, the eyes of the church and the Jewish world are watching to see if you and I as messianic believers will be true to our convictions.  By just being faithful to Torah and it's commandments we can provoke the Jewish people to jealousy as Paul talks about in the book of Romans.

And thirdly, your Christian friends and family are watching everything that you do.  Your excitement and passion in keeping the Word of God, is contagious, and most of your friends and family are desirous of having that same on fire, passionate joy that you are exemplifying.  Keep up the good work!

Begin now to invite your friends and family to a Passover Seder, teach them about the feast of unleavened bread and the importance of getting the leaven (the sin) out of our lives, and invite them to come celebrate the day of first fruits (the resurrection) with us. Explain to them that these are the prescribed Biblical times that we are to celebrate.  You are the voice of one crying in the wilderness, so let your voice be heard in the spirit of love and concern.  Remember, they want what you have!

If you live in the area we would like to invite you and your family to join us in one of our many Passover seders held both at the congregational building and in the homes of our members.  If you don't live in the area join us through our "online campus"; watch for details on our web page.

Pastor Bruce